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- Systems Biology
Archaeology, Climate, and Global Change Special FeatureApril 14, 2024; 117 (15)
The Dynamics of Change in Multiethnic Societies Special FeatureJuly 28, 2015; 112 (30)
Human Origins Special FeatureJune 7, 2016; 113 (23)
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PNAS remains committed to publishing high-impact, cutting-edge research in Anthropology. We encourage authors to submit noteworthy anthropology research articles, particularly those that will create discussion among our broad readership. The increasingly interdisciplinary nature of scientific research underscores the value of publishing in PNAS and is reflected in our high citation rates.
Richard G. Klein, C. Owen Lovejoy, James F. O'Connell, Dolores R. Piperno, Elsa M. Redmond
Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
手机youtube免翻, Thure E. Cerling, 手机youtube免翻, Jean Jouzel, A. R. Ravishankara, Lisa Tauxe, Mark H. Thiemens
Special Features & Colloquia

Through Culture
Special Feature
July 25, 2017; 114 (30)
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Additional Resources
PNAS Anthropology
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Current Anthropology
Critique of Anthropology
American Anthropologist
Journal of Archaeological Science
Society for American Archaeology
New York Times Anthropology/Archaeology Series
Discovery News
NAS In the Light of Evolution Arthur M. Sackler Colloquium series